Friday, September 4, 2020
Art Apprecition IP Week Two Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Craftsmanship Apprecition IP Week Two - Essay Example The craftsmanship incorporate well known burial chambers of heads and Egyptian drawings (Robins, 2008). Addendum A shows the Sphinx of Senwosret III. The period was between 1878 B.C. to 1841 B.C. The curio shows that the sculpture contains the half collection of brute. The other piece of the mammoth is the top of a person. B. The Smithsonian Institution Freer Gallery and Sackler Gallery Ancient Art Sackler Gallery Ancient Art. The Smithsonian Institution Freer Gallery and Sackler Gallery Ancient Art Sackler Gallery Ancient Art contains workmanship antiquities from the Ancient time frame. The timeframe incorporates famour workmanship pieces like the colossal Sphinx. The museumââ¬â¢s curios, including Appendix B, incorporate assortments from a few nations. One of the conspicuous segments of the historical center is committed to old Egyptian Art. The workmanship pieces speak to things originating from the hour of the Pharaohs. The above sculptural structure is run of the mill of Ancient Egyptian Art design (Schatz, 2009). C. The Louver Museum. The Louver, France, Museum likewise incorporates Ancient Egyptian craftsmanship antiques. The gallery contains sculptures and different curios that speak to the hour of the Egyptian Pharaohs. Type of the Artwork. The two works of art have various structures. The hieroglyphic drawing (Appendix C) is two dimensional while the burial place of Pharaoh Perneb is three dimensional. The Ancient Egyptian fine art is two dimensional. The photos of the old Egyptian time frame incorporate straightforward lines to show the state of a person or a creature. Be that as it may, the Ancient Egyptian figures are three dimensional. A case of three dimensional craftsmanship is the Sphinx sculpture (Springer, 2010). Moreover, the Appendix D picture shows the burial place of Perneb. It was developed during 2381-2323 B.C. The burial place is made of stone and other concrete like materials. The burial chamber represents there is an existence in the wake of death. Further, the materials utilized are plain paper. Really taking shape of the pyramids and the Sphinx, stones were utilized really taking shape of the pyramids. Coarse mud
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Mainstreaming Should be the Parents Decision Essay -- Argumentative Pe
Mainstreaming Should be the Parents Decision à Coordinating youngsters with handicaps into ordinary study halls (otherwise called mainstreaming) has been a colossal issue in instruction frameworks as of late. The objective of mainstreaming is giving the most proper and helpful instruction to a kid at all prohibitive setting thus the subject of where the youngsters with handicaps advantage the most is the issue that is the hardest to reply. In the 1960's there was no doubt. Nobody even idea about taking a youngster with a debilitation out of a specialized curriculum and putting them inside a normal homeroom. Be that as it may, presently, incompletely on account of parent's solicitations, select school locale are mainstreaming. The discussion over mainstreaming being fortunate or unfortunate can be handily taken from either side. The seriousness of the impediment and how extraordinary the need is for additional assistance have a significant impact in deciding whether setting a youngster with a psychological impairment into an ordin ary study hall would profit the kid the most. In any case, for a situation of a debilitation, for example, Downs Syndrome, a standard homeroom setting isn't the most ideal spot for that youngster. In this manner, specialized curriculum is the best decision. A great tale about the favorable circumstances and drawbacks of mainstreaming was told in a section of Defining moment. The fragment centered around two little youngsters, both with Downs Syndrome, who were place in two unique schools for the term of a year. Bobby had come back to his school for the intellectually incapacitated while Sean's mom had battled to get him out of that school and set into a standard study hall in a government funded school. The portion followed every one of the young men's understanding and progress consistently. The best advantage of a custom curriculum, s... ...has improved with hitting and kicking, yet it is as yet a major issue. Sean gets baffled when he can't accomplish something so he takes it out on another person by being fierce. This cases worry among the guardians of the standard youngsters. They have an inclination that Sean can be diverting to different understudies thus influence the instructors to give less consideration to them and more to Sean. Mainstreaming will be a significant issue in instruction in years to come. It is difficult to state if mainstreaming is fortunate or unfortunate since I think it varies with each case. For somebody with just a discourse impedance, mainstreaming might be the correct activity. It ought to be dependent upon the parent to choose what they feel is best for their youngster. In spite of the fact that I differ that Sean is getting the most by being in a normal study hall, his mom feels diversely and I regard her decisions.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Automobile and Martha Johnson Essay Example for Free
Vehicle and Martha Johnson Essay Martha Johnson is a mid-class work family. Marthaââ¬â¢s objectives are purchase a vehicle, lease a condo, remain at home and be a full time understudy, take some time off, or set aside the cash. The cash she has it is from her auntie. Her auntie died and left Martha cash. I am composing this exposition to suggest my choice on how Martha Johnson ought to go through her cash. The picked I am going to make is going to assist her out how with spending her cash. The primary objective that Martha has at the top of the priority list is to purchase a vehicle. The focal points is that she has a vehicle that she can use to go to class and go to work. She can likewise utilize the vehicle to take her mother to her regular checkups. Likewise she can go to the store when she needs to purchase something like food, or garments she will go out on the town to shop. The detriments is that Martha should pay for gas and pay vehicle protection for the vehicle she purchases. She should purchase an utilization vehicle not another vehicle. Additionally she would need to fix the vehicle on the off chance that it has any issues with the vehicle. The subsequent objective is that Martha needs to lease a condo to herself and offer it with a flat mate additionally she will be a full time understudy . The favorable circumstances is that Martha will have her own place and wont be living with her folks. She will likewise be near school and she will stroll as opposed to heading to class. She will likewise will have the option to complete her vocation early. Vehicle and Martha Johnson. (2017, Feb 08). We have expositions on the accompanying themes that might hold any importance with you
MHE513 - Risk Assessment and Epidemiology Module 2 - Case Essay
MHE513 - Risk Assessment and Epidemiology Module 2 - Case - Essay Example The Public Health Statement of Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR, 2005) gives data about zinc, incorporating the perils related with over the top presentation to the in any case fundamental component. Zinc is a universal component of the earthââ¬â¢s outside layer, happening in limited quantities in practically all molten rocks. It is broadly dispersed in air, water, soil, and all living issue. Zinc enters the earth both through characteristic procedures and human exercises, specifically exercises, for example, mining, cleaning of zinc, lead and cadmium-containing metals, steel creation, and coal and waste consuming. Expanded degrees of zinc in the dirt can happen through removal of squanders from metal assembling businesses and electrical utilities creating coal debris, and manure application. Modern and household sewage and run-off from soil containing zinc can discharge zinc into conduits and ground water. Zinc, present as fine residue particles noticeable all around, is washed somewhere near downpour and snow into the lakes and waterways where it for the most part chooses the base. A limited quantity of zinc may happen broke down in water. The grouping of broke down zinc inc rements with expanding corrosiveness of water. Zinc and its mixes have numerous modern uses including galvanization of iron and steel to forestall rusting and erosion; arrangement of composites, for example, metal and copper; assembling of dry cell batteries, white paints, earthenware production, elastic, texture colors and wood safeguarding mixes. Zinc is additionally a significant constituent of beautifiers, hair-care and medicinal services items, for example, sunblock salves, baby powder, hostile to dandruff shampoos, diaper rash balms, antiperspirants and so forth. Zinc chloride is utilized to make smoke bombs. Zinc carbamates are utilized as pesticides (World Health Organization WHO, 1996). Introduction of people to metals is commonly inescapable as metals are universal in the earth. Synthetic concoctions including zinc are discharged into the earth (air, water
Friday, August 21, 2020
Health and Safety Management System-Free-Samples for Students
Question: Talk about the Health and Safety Management System in Empower Company. Answer: Presentation Name and area of the organization The name of the organization is Empower Company built up in Dubai with a mean to give cooling administrations to the individuals of Dubai. Engage implies Emirates Central Cooling System came in the year 2003. Its principle object is to give effective usage of vitality assets utilizing area cooling process (Kuppuswamy et al., 2017). Its objective is advancing economical utilization of vitality assets by teaching financially savvy, nature well disposed, unwavering quality cooling administrations in area level. This makes enormous consumer loyalty and more requests for the item thus supports for increasingly green business. Because of development in benefit makes development in long haul interests in share showcase. Point and reason Point of this organization is to be at the top situation in giving cooling administrations at region level. Utilizing feasible business and making effectiveness in the innovation and work culture makes a solid effect on the development and the profitability. As far as yield and benefit, organization appreciates more noteworthy accomplishment in the yield because of consumer loyalty. On the off chance that this proceeds, the organization will accomplish its objective regarding position and rivalry. Organization foundation Enable association is separated into four major heads and that are telecom administrations, industry administrations, data the executives administrations and force administrations. Engage is a restricted industry came in 1998 in Finland and Helsinki. The biggest portion of development originated from vitality part. Finland is the biggest vitality wholesaler. Enable organization set up as a joint endeavor between Dubai power and Water Authority. The organization had effectively finished its ten years of its capacities with expansion to its steadiness and consistency in the development part. It accomplished its objective of being at the top position all inclusive regarding giving cooling administrations at region level (allude to reference section 1). With its steady improvement in the methods for assets and innovation, it had accomplished its strong development. The organization centers around present day methods for maintainable business condition in this way because of these they generally accomplished consumer loyalty. A client gets fulfillment just the items or administrations are client inviting. Client cordial incorporate the interest and necessity of the clients with great quality assets at sensible rates. Enable organization keep up client worth and notions while offering types of assistance to the clients. Because of this, it is driving at top situation as far as market and economy (allude to addendum 4). Structure of the association In excess of 44000 clients comprise of the greater part of the offer in the UAE. Engage organization incorporates 65000 workers by 2016, who play out their relegated jobs and duties in the association. At region level, almost one million refrigeration tons exists and the organization gives the offices utilizing distinctive milestone ventures like Dubai global money related division, Dubai medicinal services segment and business straight. In the year 2014, it gained palm utilities that are viewed as second biggest cooling specialist organization as far as locale level (allude to informative supplement 2). Line administrator A line administrator is a sort of association head that takes care of the whole business framework. It cares for the activities and the elements of partners. They perform different capacities like selecting, preparing, group building, breaking down the companys in general execution development. Regarding Empower Company, the line director incorporates the CEO and the administrator of the organization (Hajro, Gibson Pudelko, 2017). Ahmed Bin Shafar, the CEO takes care of the general working of the association (allude to addendum 5). He is the establishing individual from the organization, and finished 19 years of his involvement with this work culture. Similar to the line director, he gave vital business ways and system and under his authority drove the organization to top situation in area cooling specialist organization. He is a speaker at number of occasions like American culture of warming, refrigerating and cooling engineers. He is a part at universal region of vitality affiliati on, in this way with his difficult work accomplished more prominent statures. With appropriate line of overseeing different jobs and making representatives fulfillment, will make positive effect in the association as far as efficiency and development. Work-subtleties Distinguishing the issue An issue makes five inquiries of why, when, how, who and what. Why represents the explanation of the issue, how the event of the issue is, when is the term of the issue and, who is the purpose for the issue, and the latter is the thing that can be the answer for tackle the issue. There are five phases of an issue in the association. They are recognizing, portrayal, formation of different arrangements, examination of the best arrangement, and execution of the arrangement. First stage is to distinguish the issue, what is the issue. The following stage is to comprehend the issue in a detail. In the wake of knowing the issue in a spellbinding manner, the following stage is to make different answers for tackle the issue. The last stage is to pick the best arrangement and to actualize that answer for tackle the issue. In aggregate, these are the different phases of critical thinking at work place (allude to addendum 7). Concerning this organization, at that point the association should give the cooling administrations at locale level. There are issues emerging in cooling administrations and so as to take care of the issues the initial phase in critical thinking is to distinguish the issues. Here the issue is water is leaving from the fan curl along these lines making spreading the temperature regarding briskness, returning into typical warm temperature. This is the issue looked by the individuals of the region. Figure 1 Heat Exchanger (Source: MarineInsight, 2017) Figure 2 Water Pipelines (Source: iStock, 2017) A water-pipeline will include all around arranged just as planned water dispersion organize. The various types of water channels will incorporate huge measurement primary funnels, which give gracefully to various zones just as littler branch lines and little breadth pipes is arranged in the individual structures. The water pipes are extending from mammoth mains of up to 3.65 m in breadth to little 12.7 mm in pipes that utilized for taking care of individual structure outlets. The materials utilized for developing the water funnels will incorporate polyvinyl chloride, cast iron, copper just as steel. In this kind of issues, a great architect can give the best answer for the issue. As indicated by an architect, taking care of issue requires five phases and that are materials gathered, issue is expressed, discovering values , making suspicions, schematic charts, numerical counts that incorporates conditions and investigation, in conclusion, ascertaining the outcomes and checking whether it is pertinent or not. Specialists consistently utilize logical way to deal with tackle the issues (allude to informative supplement - 6). Warmth move Move of warmth starting with one source then onto the next is heat move. It incorporates scarcely any benefits while utilizing heat move. They are reasonableness, productivity, quality, stock space and fill-ins are simpler. Utilizing printed sheets and value breaks, one can spare more by utilizing heat moves. It empowers for more productivity in the event of warmth move. Alongside the delay purchases, it likewise finishes the piece of the request left. Printing done dependent on request. In this way, it prompts stock space. Because of stable arrival of paper for effective ink inclusion alongside the fresh lines that again makes a decent quality while utilizing move of warmth. It supports simple fill in because of requesting of value breaks as the requests can be fill in practically no time. It makes more reserve funds and benefit in heat move component (allude to aappendix-3). Warmth exchanger at cooling areas Locale cooling framework incorporates circling fluid, warm application, size of system that incorporates populace inclusion, building bunches of high thickness, modern parts, and local locations of low thickness. Region vitality framework is monetary effective in the event of exceptionally thickness populated city. There can be more utilization of advance innovation and government guidelines. It likewise empowers for greater supportability and condition cordial, as they will in general have adaptability in wording financially savvy, creation of crude materials and present day methods for innovation. Potential upgrade in innovation all together for the extension of region vitality cooling framework requires huge incorporated warm systems. This will make increment in the usage of manageable financial assets and productivity sooner rather than later that eventually will prompt business achievement and manageability. An association to make long haul progress, there must be solidarity for the separate assignments with their particular work jobs. Group building assists with finishing work quicker with less time. Appropriate portion of division of assignment according to specializations makes greater profitability and yield. There must be acceptable rousing pioneer who can deal with the group so as to make certainty among representatives. Legitimate group building will take care of the issue all the more rapidly and without any problem. There will be increasingly number of innovative answers for the issue in a group, in this way choosing the best arrangements out of the accessible options so as to keep up the guidelines of the association. Making collaboration, accomplishing work into groups makes less weight of the work. In cooperation, there are odds of more work at less point in time. Collaboration makes positive effect on the association, in this way helps in building great notoriety of the asso ciation and aides in building great connection among representatives. Working in groups likewise set the cutoff time focuses to finish the allocated task. As an individual worker likewise, by completing th
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Using Flickr for Business Purposes
Using Flickr for Business Purposes Itâs one of the most utilized and well-known, if not the most popular (that honor currently belonging to Instagram), photo-sharing sites in the world. Flickr is one of the pioneers of social networking and photo-sharing, and while it may have recently been eclipsed by others in some key respects, its core functions photo storage and sharing can provide invaluable marketing facility for businesses looking to grow their brands. © | GongToIn this article, we will explore, 1) the history of Flickr, 2) the purpose of Flickr, 3) the benefits of Flickr, 4) setting up a Flickr account, 5) using Flickr for Business, 6) Flickr terminology, and 7) best practices/case study.HISTORY OF FLICKRFlickr began, not as a standalone social media website or smartphone app, but as a series of features in a massively multiplayer online game (MMOG) called Game Neverending. The MMOG was created by Canadian husband and wife developers Steward Butterfield and Caterina Fake, and developer Jason Classon. It game failed, but the firm launched Flickr in its wake as a stand-alone site. Flickr quickly became very popular, attracting a large user base and the attention of industry publications and firms. Butterfieldâs firm, Ludicorp, was rapidly acquired by Yahoo in 2005 â" a year after launch, for $35 million. Yahoo increased user storage limits for users, but, some critics contend, failed to nurture the existing soc ial community, leaving the field open for other players such as Facebook and Instagram to grab social market share. While the integration with Yahoo â" allowing all registered users to use Flickr, grew Flickrâs user base, the transition likely cost Yahoo the engagement of Flickrâs highly active early users. It also had difficulties with mobile engagement as Yahoo Mobileâs Flickr functionality was, according to many critics, poorly designed and only for existing users. Today, Flickrs direct competitors in the photo-sharing space include Instagram, Photobucket, Shutterfly, SmugMug, Picasa, Kodak Gallery, Pinterest, and Snapfish; and in the social space, include the aforementioned plus Facebook, Google+, Tumblr, and Pheed, among others. Nevertheless, Flickr still has a huge database of organized photos, a user base of 92 million as of February 2014, and high profile users, such as The White House.PURPOSE OF FLICKRWhile Flickr was originally designed as part of an MMOG to enhance its user experience, Flickr itself was designed to allow users to organize and store photos, as well as to engage with each otherâs photo content. Today, the purpose is much the same. Users with a free account get a Terabyte (TB) of storage, which makes it excellent for archiving, especially for amateur and professional photographers, who might want to save uncompressed files for later in-depth photo editing. Flickr still has social networking tools, such as the ability to like, comment, and share content, as well as to create and join groups around a common interest. And Flickr does have mobile apps for iOS and Android operating systems, which have received praise from critics, though these have been eclipsed in usage by Instagram, among other photo-sharing apps.BENEFITS OF FLICKRFlickr can be used â" and is best suited â" for photo-sharing, photo organizing, and archiving. It is ideal for photographers and in-house creative staff, as well as marketing initiatives. You can eas ily organize photos, batch edit them, geotag them, and access them from anywhere. Flickr can be easily integrated into content management systems (CMS), such as WordPress or Drupal, for the display of your photo collection on your blog/website. You can determine who has access to what photos through robust privacy controls, as well as use filters to categorize the content they upload and/or search for. You can upload family friendly photos and/or adult content photos depending upon your brand. And you can release your photos under several different license types, such as those found under Creative Commons 2.0.Photos on Flickr can also be easily shared on your Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr or other social media account. And the free TB of storage, which can be used to download photos of any size, is far more than the amount offered by other photo sharing sites. Google, for example, offers unlimited space to download files that are of a maximum size of 2,048 pixels; however, it charges $5 0.00 per month for a TB with an unrestricted download size. Flickr offers Free, Doublr (which offers 2Tbs of storage) and Pro accounts which offer unlimited storage.Further, its social media network allows you to extend your brand online, build brand awareness, generate leads, and enhance SEO. There are over 10 million Groups to join, each based on a common interest. Flickr mail lets you connect with other Flickr users. The Explore link leads to Flickr curated photos; those selected are usually unique or popular or both. And Flickrâs mobile app allows you to shoot and edit 30 second videos â" a direct challenge to Vine and Instagram.Last, but certainly not least, is the fact that Flickr claims no ownership rights of the photos uploaded onto its site, unlike some other popular photo-sharing social media sites.SETTING UP A FLICKR ACCOUNTTo set up a Flickr account, first you need to set up a Yahoo account, which is both free and simple. Visit Select Flickr from the to p of the page, and then Sign Up on the following page. You will be prompted for some personal information on the following page. Once you do so and click Create Account, you will be prompted to create a Flickr username, which ideally should be either your brand or a term closely related to it. You will then sign in and be ready to upload photos.Before you upload your photos, there are a few things to consider:How will you organize your photos hierarchically? What albums, collections, and tags will need to be used to ensure that your photos are arranged in a user-friendly manner?Is there a particular naming convention you plan to employ?What rights will users have to access and use the photos?Are your photos high quality and/or unique? Flickr users engage more with photos that are both, so if you may want to consider doing away with the randomly snapped smartphone shots.What size will your photos be stored in? Because of its capacity, you donât really have to worry about compressin g your photos to save storage space. You have the option of limiting user downloads to a particular size, which may deter users from downloading them for unauthorized use.What do the photos you choose to display say about your brand?How will you integrated Flickrs content distribution capabilities with your content roadmap and/or third-party social media management tools, such as HootSuite? How will you integrate it with your website? And how will you integrate it with your existing digital archive?What metrics will effectively measure the success or failure of your Flickr usage? Comments? Shared photos? Make a determination and enable the Stats tool in Flickr to track your progress.Itâs a good idea to explore the site, read through best practices for sharing and storing photos on Flickr, and answer those questions well before you start uploading photos. USING FLICKR FOR BUSINESSEven given its diminished standing within the ranks of social media tools, there are still many benefit s to using Flickr for Business, first and foremost, displaying and archiving photos.Displaying and archiving photos and videoMany firms struggle with warehousing their digital photo collections. Even though they do not take up the physical space of a printed photo, they do take up server space (and depending on the file format, they can take up quite a lot of it). A Flickr professional account, which costs a mere $50.00 a year, affords you unlimited server space, which can greatly reduce the strain on your own internal data warehousing resources, and the cost of acquisition of dedicated storage space for your photos. Further, Flickr tools, such as Organizer, make it easy to label, categorize, tag, and source your photos, individually or en masse, for posterity.Flickr allows users to make their photos or publicly visible. Integration with WordPress, through Plugins, is seamless; other CMS can display Flickr content on webpages as well. And even if yours cant, you can always add a lin k to your Flickr photo collection online. Further, Flickr can be a great place to find stock photos to display on your website â" in many cases much cheaper than those on existing stock photography sites.That one TB can also be used to upload videos, either those shot with Flickr tools or others. As of yet, Flickr does not add advertisements to videos you choose to display publicly on Pro accounts. You can upload high definition videos of up to 1GB each that last for up to 3 minutes.Extending reach and visibilityStoring your photos on Flickr not only gives you the capability to share your photos on existing social networks, but you can also connect with fellow Flickr users, and share and comment on photos on the site itself. And Flickrâs users are active and engaged: one million photos are shared per day on the site. Sharing photos here allows people another way to connect with your brand. You can use Flickr as a photo portfolio, photo directory of your products, or archive. And if you use the site for archiving purposes â" dumping most if not all of your photos on the site and making them publicly visible (as opposed to carefully curating content), candid, imperfect photos, as well as staff photos, may help humanize your brand.Flickr also provides visitors the option to print photobooks from albums and collections of photos, which can expand your reach.Expanding your networkFlickr may not rival Facebook or Twitter in terms of social network reach. However, as a free service offered to Yahoo customers, it does still have a formidable number of registered users. You can network by clicking the Invite Your Friends link under Contacts, to import your email contacts database to Flickr, see which members of your network/customer list/target consumers are already on Flickr, and invite those who are not. You can join Groups and engage with Flickr users, peruse pages of individual Flickr users, and highlight other users in Galleries you create, to engage Flickr us ers and grow your list of Contacts. From this base, you can build brand awareness, generate sales leads, and conduct product and market research.You can also optimize photos, tags and titles to appear high in search results, which can make your brand more visible. Be on the lookout for pictures of happy consumers using your product or service and display these prominently on your Flickr page and on your website. FLICKR TERMINOLOGYThe following is a short list of terms that are essential to using Flickr optimally.Tag: a way to organize photos by assigning them unique words or short phraseGeotag: geotagging is a form of tagging in which you can categorize your photos by the geographic location in which they were takenAlbums (formerly sets): a group of photos, organized by a Flickr user according to their criteriaCollection: a group of photo albumsGalleries: a collection of third-party photos on Flickr that you curate and can comment on. Galleries are limited to 18 photosFlickr Badge: an HTML or Flash photo that showcases your pictures â" either all of them, an album, or a group sharing a common tag. You can use BadgesContacts: Flickrâs versions of friends or followers. You should strive to build a large base of contacts, consisting of members of your target market and influencers.Photostream: a Flickr usersâ unique feed of photos, which can appear to them based on their preferences, as one of several different views, including a slideshow, a justified view, and a chronologically-ordered archiveFor a deeper dive, thereâs also a handy guide to Flickr slang on Flickr here.BEST PRACTICES / CASE STUDYYou should familiarize yourself with Flickr, its Community Guidelines, and its community before establishing a presence there. Some of the best practices for Flickr usage are readily apparent, such as filling out your profile information completely to make sure people can find you, and describing photos fully to enhance their visibility. Others are fairly intuitiv e, such as avoiding the hard sell on a network meant for photo sharing and engagement. Others include:Upload photos in such order that your best photos are last. These are the photos that will show up first the Photostreamsâ of your Contacts;Upload your photos in real-time to increase interest in your event or initiative;Take great pictures, which makes it more likely that you will gain Contacts;Creating groups relevant to your target consumers and sharing content of interest with them;Create Flickr Badges and embed them on your website and/or blog to share your photos with its visitorsUse Flickr to share your photos on Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr.Create and join Groups of interest to your Contacts, target consumers, and influencers, and engage members of these groups fully.Review and assess your data on a regular basis, by enabling statsA number of brands have successfully incorporated Flickr into their social media, as well as their broader marketing, strategies. One such bran d is Graco â" the baby product manufacturer. In 2007, Graco realized it needed to engage active parents over a long term. Their preliminary research pointed to the fact that this target group hated hard sell commercial initiatives; their approach then became to integrate themselves into parental activities. The firm began to hold parental get-togethers, and blog about them using Flickr as a photo-sharing tool. This content strategy has enabled them to build a robust community on the photo sharing site. Using their own metrics, Graco saw a 15% increase in brand perception in 2008, as well as significant positive reviews. The blog went from 59th in the rankings of the ParentPower index within six months of launch to 34th within a year. Graco also began to post user photos of themselves or others using Graco products, as well as candid, behind-the-scenes staff shots â" to humanize its brand. By building a vibrant community around, Graco has not only seen an increase in positive impre ssions, it has also likely mitigated negative ones. Graco has endured several recalls, and has used its social channels to engage with parents â" apologizing and discussing solutions.
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Strategy that will increase profits and to go international - Free Essay Example
What is a strategy? Strategy is the determination of the basic long term goals and objectives of an enterprise, and the adoption of courses of action and the allocation of resources for carrying out these goals (Chandler 1962) International Expansion This report is about a company which is a clothes manufacture based in the north east of England in Darlington. This company which is owned by my friends Father and has been established for well over 15 years. Mr Sandhu was employed by a family friend in the 1970s where he gained experience in the clothing sector, he picked up knowledge and skills on how to run the labour aspect of clothing manufacturing. After this he left this job and with his savings opened up his own clothing company in Darlington. At first the distribution channels was limited so they started selling their goods through market stalls. The company employed 20 people but then expanded to more. They specialise in manufacturing clothing for women and children. Their main distributing channel at this time after the market stalls was to small independent retailers across the England and supplying Yours Clothing and recently started producing garments for Lipsy London. At the start of 2011 Mr Sandhu decided to work on a strategy that will increase profits and to go international. The plan was to think of what country labour and materials would be cheap and the day to day running of the business. He had to take into consideration the amount of employees and if he was going to buy a new factory or rent one. He took a numerous amount of trips to India to see which one would be more cost beneficial for him. D S Fashions Ltd strategy is To produce unique high quality goods, through methods which involve cost efficient manufacturing , and enables us to retail our goods to reputable companies at cheap prices, ethically and fairly which benefits all stakeholders To achieve these objectives outlined in the statement above the company had to stick to a certain path, the business environment which affects the profits of the company such as the material, labour, machinery and tax all was considered before a strategic plan was thought about. The clothing manufacturing industry in the UK is chang ing where more companies are now going abroad to set up factories because the costs are lower to run and cheaper to produce garments. This means there is increased competition from competitors and the external factor needs to be considered, before the move to go international is considered. DS Fashions Ltd used this model to create strategic plan this is what the model looked like: Objectives External factors affecting business PEST Internal factors affecting business SWOT Plan to achieve objectives Implement Plan Review and Evaluate To investigate further and to get a broader picture of what issues can arise a PEST analysis was created which assessed the Political, Economical, Social and Technological factors which could affect the external influences on the international expansion. This is a PEST analysis on the external environment and external influences that could affect the expansion to India. Political War Changes in Import duties VAT rises Better relations between India and UK Economical Inflation Creates new employment opportunities therefore reducing unemployment Beneficial for the UK and Indian economy Social People might not want clothes from India New trends in fashion can contribute to extended clothing lines, which can cause expansion for factory Technological The use of the internet is beneficial because trips to India can be limited, designs can be emailed and video conference can take place from anywhere in the world New machines such as the Veti graph system which enables cut patterns and makes it accurate and cost efficient as it minimises waste of fabric After this PEST analysis it shows a balanced side of the advantages and disadvantages of the risks and opportunities to move abroad for DS Fashions Ltd, considered in the business environment externally. However even though these environmental risks have been established it is still necessary to do a SWOT analysis on international expansion strategy that could affect the strategic plan being implemented, that is why the strategy needs to be assessed DS Fashions Ltd SWOT is illustrated below. SWOT on DS Fashions Ltd Strategy Strengths Advertising to a new market Bigger market share Attracting new customers Offering something locals cant Weaknesses Different culture Different fashion trends Competing with loads of others competitors in India need to established Opportunities Cheap distribution costs Cheap labour Larger workforce with lower price which means mass productions Quality control which gives good competitive edge Threats Big competitors such as Primark and Matalan has a bigger market share and negotiate better deals as they mass produce garments Deadlines might not be met on time Other companies setting up business in India for fashion trade The analysis clearly outlines positive and negative outcomes on the strategy but the strategy looks more promising for the future, moving to India would be a positive outcome. As the strategy was a way of DS Fashions Ltd to expand to India which could be more cost efficient for them. The SWOT analysis suggests by doing this they can infiltrate a new market and could take a big market share of the fashion industry. Also it suggests by expanding to India they will be able to produce larger quantity of garments, using high quality materials and fabrics. As they will have a larger workforce they will be able to produce garments that need more lab our in production, because they will have a bigger and more powerful workforce they will have a bigger turn around period therefore attracting more customers. One of the weaknesses that the SWOT picked up was the difference in culture, however it can also be seen as strength because they could diffuse the two different cultures and create a new market, or they could also provide to the smaller minor Asian community within the bigger British western community, thus producing garments to cater for different cultures within the UK and other potential distributors. Opening the production unit in India would mean that they would get cheaper labour; therefore they would be able to invest more into the quality of the fabrics and the quality of the labour, so they would be producing garments of a more higher standard, so they may also be able to enter a higher level market within the fashion industry. Another beneficial factor is that they will be creating more jobs in the Indian communi ty. Michael Porter came up with a concept of a value chain; this chain was made to include the functions which would give core competences over its competitors. The links with suppliers are referred to as upstream linkages and the distributors and customers are downstream linkages. Different organisations have different value chains. Tesco will have a different value chain to Comet the electrical goods retailer. Having an analysis of the value activities helps the organisation identify where there is potential, finding this out they can change activities and improve the way they are run. The way it is analysed is not in isolation but with external linkages too such as distributors and suppliers. Primary Activities Inbound Logistics Operations Outbound Logistics Marketing and Sales Services Efficient links to suppliers Products. Large Shipments, massive warehouses Mass production to exploit economies of scale and experience effects to cut production costs Selection of bulk or large order low cost carriers. Tight controls on inventory levels Little promotion or advertising. Products priced to generate large sales volume Modest after sales service and maintenance. As you can see above these are the primary activities of the value chain, this in relation to DS Fashions Ltd, will have the same structure. Now we will look at the support activities. Support Activities Infrastructure Human Resource Management Technology Development Procurement traditional centralised managerial style with formal procedures and rigid hierarchy:emphasis on cost control Intensive training to emphasize cost saving:encourage employees to look for new ways to improve methods Economies of scale of RD and technology development: process innovation Seek low cost suppliers, use size in bargaining with suppliers The Risks Too much differentiation Buyers become better informed Dilution of brand identification Sustaining perceived distinctiveness Offering more features than customers desire, especially if this is reflected in a premium price Demand becomes more price sensitive, which limits any price premium that may be charged Offering lower priced product-line extensions may adversely affect quality brand image Imitation and product improvement by competitors, or changes in consumer tastes, or changes in technology can all undermine a differentiation strategy Conclusion After looking at DS Fashions Ltd strategy it is quite clear that it is a very positive move forward. This international expansion has been beneficial for the company as well as the consumer and also the workers. Sticking to their ethical and environmental efficiency DS Fashions have scrapped the image of moving to India as a sweat shop and taking advantage of labour to a fair way. Everything has been taken into consideration for this international move and the benefits and rewards are big.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Paramedic Job Profile Essay - 905 Words
INTRODUCTION A Paramedic (EMT-P) works directly with the public providing personal assistance, medical attention, and emotional support. They respond to medical emergencies providing on-scene treatment, crisis intervention, life-saving stabilization, and transport of ill or injured patients to a treatment center. Internet research, a personal interview with a paramedic, and the Occupational Outlook Handbook are the sources used to gather the information in this profile. JOB DESCRIPTION Work Conditions According to the Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH), paramedics are required to work more than 40 hours a week. They often have irregular work hours since emergency services function 24 hours a day. Indoors andâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Approximately 45% work with an ambulance service, 29% work in local government and an additional 20% in hospitals. Volunteer Paramedics who respond monthly to a few calls support fire departments and emergency medical services in small cities, towns, and rural areas commonly. Education Most occupations in this field require training in vocational schools or an associates degree. Some may require a bachelors degree. According to the OOH, there are two levels of EMT training required prior to Paramedic training. 1. EMT-Basic is the first response of the emergency medical system. An EMT trained at this level is prepared to care for patients at the scene of an accident and while transporting patients by ambulance to the hospital under the direction of more highly trained medical personnel. The EMT-Basic has the emergency skills to assess a patients condition and manage respiratory, cardiac, and trauma emergencies. 2. EMT-Intermediate has more advanced training. However, the specific tasks that those certified at this level are allowed to perform vary greatly from state to state. 3. Paramedics provide more extensive pre-hospital care than do EMTs. InShow MoreRelatedEssay Life Changingsurviving Lifes Unexpected Events1744 Words à |à 7 PagesDallas. It was like something you read about in magazines or watch in a movie. I had the dream job, car, house, and social life. I worked as a bartender at the hottest nightclub in town and made a lot of money. I bought a beautifully restored 1961 Porsche, a lot like the one that James Dean had died in. My car had a pearl- white paint job, a red-leather interior, and aluminum alloy wheels with low-profile racing tires. I was living in a guesthouse on the estate of the nightclub owner; he lived in theRead MorePolice Technology Essay1162 Words à |à 5 Pagesaccurate over time. When someone commits a crime and gets caught an officer will have them booked and fingerprinted. Depending on the crime law enforcement may even have their DNA. In the United Kingdom the DNA database stores over 3.4 million DNA profiles (How does t echnology help the police, 2009). The police and government say the system has help with convicting some nasty people. Technology is becoming so advance police officers do not need to be present to give someone a speeding ticket. TheRead MoreI Am Researching About Registered Nursing1454 Words à |à 6 Pagesskills, physical stamina, critical-thinking skills, compassion, and organizational skills. The average salary for a RN is $65,470 per year and $31.48 per hour. Between the years 2012 and 2022 the job outlook is going to be 19% which is faster than average. Some related positions are EMTs and paramedics, dental hygienist, and physician assistants. There are three different paths to become a registered nurse: a Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree, Associate Degree in Nursing, or a Nursing DiplomaRead MoreImportant Law Enforcement Facts19721 Words à |à 79 Pagesbicycle, motorcycle or harbor | |patrol, canine corps, or special weapons and tactics (SWAT) or emergency response teams. A few local and special law enforcement | |officers primarily perform jail-related duties or work in courts. 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There were two heroes that lost their life to the 9/11 attacks. These people were two Chinese American. Betty Ong and Zach Zhe Zeng during the terrorist attacks on the New York World Trade Center. (ââ¬Å"After 13 years flying, Betty Ong 45 loved her job as a flight attendant, in spite ofRead MoreA Helicopter Emergency Medical Services ( Hems ) Agency1932 Words à |à 8 Pagesdifferent states across the country with multiple bases within those states. Each base is a 24-hour base with 24/7 availability. They are staffed with 4 RNââ¬â¢s, 4 Paramedics and 4 Pilots at the minimum. The mission profile is to provide critical care services to the community via air. Each helicopter is staffed with a Flight RN, Flight Paramedic and the Pilot. LifeFlight does approximately 60% interfacility transports (IFT) and 40% scene flights. LifeFlight has a Board of Directors that the ExecutiveRead More The Technological Opportunity for Nurses Essay2967 Words à |à 12 Pageshis/her career. For example, a nurse with an associate degree wishing to advance to Registered Nurse status can do so by taking online courses (Nursing, 2000, p. 18). Also, the ââ¬Å"Certified Paramedic to Associate Degree Nurse Transition Tractâ⬠allows students to ââ¬Å"capitalize on skills they possess as paramedics while working toward their registered nursing licenseâ⬠(Tremel, 2004, p. 64). Nurses may also take online courses that specialize in a nursing field such as anesthesiology. Courses that furtherRead MorePast And Present Race Riots2143 Words à |à 9 Pagesviolent riots died with him. In over 100 cities riots broke out some of the some of most notable were in Washington D.C, Chicago, and Baltimore. The age of peaceful protests was over. The DC riots destroyed the city and economy, businesses closed, jobs were lost and people were fleeing the city. The crime rates rose, driving even more people to leave the city and (LECTURE Feb 22). The West side of Chicago erupted in riots when word that MLK was assassinated got out. The same thing happened in Baltimore
Monday, May 18, 2020
The Problem Of Hip Hop Music - 1721 Words
In the past 2 years alone, more than 3 dozen criminal prosecutions have had rap lyrics be presented by the prosecutor as a vital piece of evidence in the case. [Manly] In many of these cases the prosecutor will use violent lyrics created by the defendant to prove that that person is inherently dangerous and in other cases, will use the lyrics as a direct confession to having committed the crime in question. If you read into these cases you will notice a common theme between them; the defense will claim that the lyrics are freedom of speech and should be considered artistic expression, while the prosecutors will claim that the song is either a criminal threat or has too many similarities to the actual crime that it should be considered a confession. The primary basis for this debate is that hip-hop music is a misunderstood cultural practice because of the racial divide between the defendant and the criminal justice system. The precedent for using rap lyrics as evidence can be traced a s far back as 1994 in California, when they were used to prove that Francisco Calderon Mora was a member of the Southside F Troop gang. The prosecutor went on to say that since he was a member of the gang, Mora has the motive and intent to commit the killing he was tried for. [Oââ¬â¢Connor] Since this case many prosecutors through the years have started using lyrics as critical pieces of evidence in these types of trials. Often using these pieces as evidence is unfair to the defendant because theyShow MoreRelatedThe Problem Of Hip Hop Music952 Words à |à 4 PagesCultural Expression Music has inspired and touched the lives of many aspiring hip-hop artists which makes it one of the most influential characters in America culture. Hip-hop has become one of the most vital, and profitable, forces in popular culture. Rap music is an international art form and is regularly heard in advertising including radio and television. Hip hop beats have influenced popular music genres from rock to jazz to reggae. The fashions, styles, and attitude of hip-hop have been adoptedRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of Hip Hop Music1182 Words à |à 5 Pages Rhetorical Analysis of Hip-Hop Music Sharon Rhetorical Analysis of hip-hop music among Black Americans in ââ¬ËFrom the margins to the mainstream: the political power of hip-hopââ¬â¢ by Katina R. Stapleton Thesis: the paperââ¬â¢s focus on hip-hop as a music genre that has changed the lives of the black Americans Introduction In this article, the speaker must be an expert in politics, ethnicity and the music industry. There is a linkage between the above fields hence the speaker must have hadRead MoreEssay on Hip Hop Dance979 Words à |à 4 PagesHip hop dance was important to African American culture because it allowed them to create their own culture, their own music their own style. When watching Flex is Kings, there are many young men in a video demonstrating what hip hop dance culture has evolved to in the 21st century. They are a contemporary urban dance movement. One can see the emotion and the ââ¬Å"seriousnessâ⬠in their movements. Hip hop dance is these peopleââ¬â¢s livesââ¬â¢(ââ¬Å"Flex Is Kingsâ⬠). Flex is a type of street dance, sometimes is calledRead More A Violent Message in the Art of Popular Culture Essay1679 Words à |à 7 PagesA ââ¬Å"Violentâ⬠Message in the Art of Popular Culture Many people believe that present-day music cause division, tension, and sometimes violence. However, it is acknowledged as art in popular culture. Art in popular culture revolves around action movies, television sitcoms, and provocative song lyrics, which have themes centered on explicit sexuality. Art in popular culture is embodied in music, dance, photography, and other artwork that embraces the ills of the world and acknowledges thatRead MoreThe Negative Portrayal of Women in Hip Hop and Rap Music Essay1239 Words à |à 5 Pagesbeat-boxer in rap music today, has been quoted saying, ââ¬Å"Hip-hop is supposed to uplift and create, to educate people on a larger level and to make a change.â⬠Although this is the original intention of hip-hop music, public opinion currently holds the opposite view. Since the 1970ââ¬â¢s musical artists have changed the face of hip-hop and rap and worldwide, people ââ¬â mostly teensââ¬âhave been striving to emulate certain artists and their lyrics, which has created negative stereotypes for hip-hop music and also forRead MoreYouth Cultures ( Educ 817- 001 )908 Words à |à 4 PagesAndorful In order to prove that the Hip-Hop cultureââ¬â¢s beliefs and goals have changed, I am mostly going to rely heavily on the cultureââ¬â¢s music. Hip-Hop music has been the voice of the Hip-Hop culture since the beginning. It has been an outlet for those in the Hip-Hop culture to vent. To understand the changes in beliefs for the culture of Hip-Hop I must first distinguish what the original beliefs were. Then I must look at Hip-Hop music now to compare and contrast. This must be done usingRead MoreThe Music Of The Hip Hop1673 Words à |à 7 Pagesââ¬Å"I said the hip hop, Hippie to the hippie, the hip, hip hop, and you donââ¬â¢t stop, a rock it to the bang, bang boogie, say you jump the boogie, to the rhythm of the boogie, the beat.â⬠ââ¬Å"Rapperââ¬â¢s Delightâ⬠is a song recorded in 1979 by American hip hop trio The Sugarhill Gang. It was the original 12-inch single was 15 minutes of incontestable urban-playboy bragging. ââ¬Å"Rapperââ¬â¢s Deli ghtâ⬠was not the first single but, it is generally considered to be the song that made hip hop in the United States popularRead MoreCompaing Hip Hop and Rock Music Essay555 Words à |à 3 Pagesà à à à à People all over the world listen to various types of music. The most popular kinds of music in America are hip hop and rock. As they seem to be totally different types of music they have a lot of similarities . Hip Hop and Rock music have more differences than similarities. à à à à à Hip Hop and Rock music are todayââ¬â¢s people choice of music. People will find that teens and adults from the age of 20 to 34 listen to these two types of music. Not too often will you see or hear a teen listening toRead MoreDifferences And Similarities Between Hip-Hop And R B786 Words à |à 4 PagesAs we know Hip-Hop and RB contain many similarities they also share many differences. There are beauty and greatness in all music Hip-Hop, and RB when I listen to two these genres I tend to notice the differences and the same that they have. The two has the same and difference lyric, tone and melodies The birth of RB was created by African American in the early 1960ââ¬â¢s from Soul music, Jazz, Gospel, Pop music and Blues as time went on RB was born. In its earlier days, RB Music was all about racialRead MoreHip Hop And Rap Music904 Words à |à 4 PagesHip-Hop/rap music receives the harshest criticism in the music industry. This is because listeners of hip-hop music donââ¬â¢t fully understand the message that the artist is trying to portray. Behind all the vulgar verses is actually a message that the artist wants to listener to know about. Most people donââ¬â¢t listen to hip-hop music because of how they see the artist illustrating their self. Many artists create music based off of his or her background and life growing up. Hip-hop music has a negative
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Invention Of The Printing Press - 948 Words
If we examine, by quantifiable evaluations focusing on printing production and the distribution of associated technology and scrutinized by the characterization of the extensive expanse of knowledge and ideas across Europe we will discover the invention of the printing press. A result of progress, among a number of allied industries, papermaking and goldsmithing were principal players. The thin paper-like material made from the pith of the papyrus plant was one of the most common writing papers during the the 5th century A.D. Egypt, the main source for this paper became isolated after the fall of the Roman Empire. With limited access to papyrus, Europeans turned to parchment made from animal skin, often calfskin limed, scraped, and dried under tension. All documents and books were manuscripts made of parchment before the arrival of printing. A secondary effect of the fall of the Roman Empire was, ââ¬Å"Much European cultural and intellectual life took refuge in the monasteriesâ⬠according to the Educator Program of the Gutenberg Bible (Harry Ransom Center). Continuous warfare, poor crops, and abnormally cold temperatures helped drive Europe into the Dark Ages. Many Greek and Roman classical texts were lost, preserved in Byzantine and Muslim territories and according to the Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History, ââ¬Å"the silent scriptoria of European monasteriesâ⬠where monks faithfully preserved them (par. 3). Scriptoria rooms in monasteries bestowed with the responsibility of copyingShow MoreRelatedThe Invention Of The Printing Press1633 Words à |à 7 PagesHistorian David Ramsay stated, In establishing American independenceâ⬠¦ the pen and the press had merit equal to that of the sword (Slaughter 9). When historians analyze the past they often use primary sources such as printed media, journals, letters and various notarized documents. Printed documents are a timeless form of communication with an immeasurable influenced, capable of reaching masses. How has print evolve into this powerful tool of influence and communication in America? To answer theRead MoreThe Invention Of The Printing Press1413 Words à |à 6 Pages The printing press was essentially invented by Johannes Gutenberg enabling mass productions of books and the spread of rapid knowledge throughout Europe. This invention became a great industry in Britain. The printing press became a popular industry in the mid-19th century as the second industrial revolution commenced a communication revolution. There were several factors that made printing press very popular and substantial such as during wars where there was more of an urgency to strive for newsRead MoreThe Invention Of The Printing Press861 Words à |à 4 PagesThe printing press invented by German goldsmith Johann Gutenberg in 1448 has been called one of the most important inventions in the history of humankind. When compared to the standard printing methods of the day, the printing press revolutionized how mass quantities of books were printed. The enlightenment in Europe and America were greatly affected by its invention. From its beginnings in 1448 the printer has evolved into today s modern laser jet printers. One printer that most people don t thinkRead MoreThe Invention Of Printing Press1284 Words à |à 6 Pagesimportant machines during the modern period: the printing press. The printing press was inspired by earlier uses found in China and Japan as early as the 7th century. In this time the way to print was using the method of block printing, which was a piece of wood used to print a specific piece of text. (ââ¬Å"Patterns forâ⬠) With the Gutenberg invention the revolution had begun. It advanced the process of movable type further, and started a new era of printing called typography. The typography allowed informationRead MoreThe Invention Of The Printing Press1525 Words à |à 7 PagesThe invention of the printing press was a great influence on Renaissance culture and literature. Its inventor, Johannes Gutenberg said himself ââ¬Å"like a star it shall scatter the darkness of ignorance and cause a light herefore unknown to shine amongst menâ⬠(Gutenberg, n.d.). By creating the market for the printed word, he paved the way for literature in the Renaissance. Gutenbergââ¬â¢s printing press single-handedly revolutionized the way stories were shared. He took the power of the word away fromRead MoreThe Invention Of The Printing Press932 Words à |à 4 PagesThe printing press, a simple invention compared to the technology we have today, however, it was a huge stepping stone to getting to the technology today. The printing press represents the spread of information and knowledge. There were two major effects of the printing press. These two effects were the exploration of the Americas and the Protestant Reformation. Exploration was Colombus and his explorers ââ¬Å"discoveringâ⬠America. The printing press had great influence on these events. The ProtestantRead MoreThe Invention Of Printing Press3662 Words à |à 15 Pages Invention of printing press has brought benefits to the world. However, it had a different meaning to an individual; for someone, it became the source to spread their ideas, and for others, a source for collecting new ideas. Menocchio is a peasant farmer born in the 16th century in Italy. He was a peasant farmer who had some reading skills. He was a miller who owned his mill, so he managed to make a little extra to spend money on printed books. Based on his reading, he developed an idea thatRead MoreThe Invention Of The Printing Press1214 Words à |à 5 PagesYou can t stop people from printing what they want to print. -Alan Sugar The Printing Press, a 15th century invention, allowed scholars to print and distribute their work throughout Europe. Church authority denounced the spread of scientific ideas encouraged by the invention of the printing press. They banned scientific works, like Galileoââ¬â¢s Sidereus Nuncius, as academics published their research. Roman Catholic Church authority advocated for biblical ideas, which opposed scientific studies likeRead MoreGutenberg Invention Of The Printing Press1366 Words à |à 6 Pageswas one invention that really made an impact? Some say electricity or medication some might even say technology. One invention that altered the world was Gutenbergââ¬â¢s invention the printing press. The printing press has made a huge impact back in the 1450s. It allowed many nations to go from writing in scripts to books. Also it was an other way for information to be shared with surrounding countries. The printing press expanded communication,knowledge and also exploration. Th e printing press help withRead MoreThe Invention Of Printing Press1345 Words à |à 6 PagesSince the beginning of typography people were always looking to create it in a faster more effective way. The printing press was then created to do just that, it made it possible to mass produce designs and newspapers with a lot text. But during that time there weren t that many styles of typefaces and since then the typefaces have changed, kind of. The typefaces used when they were press was first made are still used today. Are hand crafted fonts more successful than the sans serif modern typefaces
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Schizophreni A Psychological Disorder - 1495 Words
Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that became prominent within the 1900 s characterized by various positive, negative, and cognitive symptoms. Coined in 1908 by Paul Bleuler, it is a prominent entry within the DSM and is prevalent throughout the world. It affects both males and females rather equally, though there are slight variations in its mean age of development. Regardless, schizophrenia is a seriously debilitating psychological disorder that is highly heritable, produces a wide range of symptoms, affects 1.1% of the United States population, is often characterized by attacks and episodes, and is currently treated most prevalently with dopaminergic inhibitors. The wide range of symptoms characteristic of schizophrenia areâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Finally, negative symptoms are those which specifically inhibit otherwise normal functioning. These generally cause a lessening of otherwise healthy feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. Negative symptoms can include a flat affect, anhedonia (loss of joy in activities), and a regression of sustained, planned activities such as brushing ones teeth. These symptoms generally develop first within schizophrenics, and are more problematic than one may think. Personal hygiene and enjoyment of both social and recreational activities are important indicators of general wellbeing. These symptoms are not always constant within effected individuals - often times they fluctuate over periods of time. This tends to culminate, in some people, as schizophrenic attacks or episodes. These attacks are usually periods of time in which symptoms are at the most severe levels relative to the victimââ¬â¢s normal symptoms. Even the attacks themselves, though, do not always have a specified pattern or constant level or symptom severity. In some cases, each attack increases in symptomatic severity while the time in between attacks are characterized by higher symptom levels relative to previous non-attack intervals. It is fortunate th at the converse of such a situation can also occur. Some patients will only have a single attack and experience little distress or disruption from daily life afterwards. Others will never have attacks at all and could either have a significantly slower
How Does Black History Month Relate to Education Free Essays
The very essence and importance of Black History Month is to the whole world. It is of importance to educate the world and make sure that everyone is aware of the trials and hardships that we had to go through starting with slavery. There are various way that you can tie this significant month with education. We will write a custom essay sample on How Does Black History Month Relate to Education ? or any similar topic only for you Order Now Most Africans American do not realize how you need education to learn about these significant events that we lead up to today. Black History Month is celebrated during the month of February each year. Black History Month is not just a month but each day is a celebration for what our ancestors went through. During Black History Month, there days where we look at the things that all our ancestors and famous African Americans did for us like Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr, and the Little Rock Nine. All of these people had a special affect on the lives of African Americans today. They all had one thing in common also which was standing up for what they believe in. Rosa Parks allowed for us to sit in front of the bus, Martin Luther King Jr had a dream which we are still working on, and the Little Rock Nine allowed for the schools to become integrated. Schools, churches, and the community help with this celebration. Most schools celebrate Black History Month especially predominately African American schools because without the events that African Americans went through, there would be no integrated schools, teams, or even jobs. Some might think that we still would have been slaves, not have the ability to interact with other races, or even still living without freedom or respect. Some would also say that we as African Americans would still be treated disrespectfully or like an untamed animal. Not knowing about this month, would not allow for us to have freedom or even our rights. We as the a society need to make sure that we keep educating people especially African Americans on what we have been through and what we fought for especially with the people that fought for us including our ancestors. People take our rights and the freedom that we gained for granted. Without black history, we would not have a month, rights, freedom, or even equality. They all went through disrespectful trials to make sure African Americans now can have the comfort to live. These events led us up to today with African Americans having the ability to go to school and to gain an education. African Americans and other races need an education to take them to follow their dreams on what ever they want to do. Now we are at the year 2013, where there are many African Americans succeeding and taking over the world such as our President Barack Obama. How to cite How Does Black History Month Relate to Education ?, Papers
Women in the apology Essay Example For Students
Women in the apology Essay Women in the ApologyThe most striking thing about women in the Apology of Socrates is their absence from where we might expect them. Only two specific women are mentioned: 1) the Pythia, the priestess of Apollo, who answers Chaerephons question that no one is wiser than Socrates (21a); and 2) Thetis, the mother of Achilles (who himself is not mentioned by name but only referred to as the son of Thetis), who warns him that he will die if he kills the Trojan hero Hector (28c). Only two other times does Socrates even mention women: 1) a disparaging reference that those who embarrass the city by coming into court, weeping and carrying on to win the sympathy of the jury, are in no way better than women (35c); and 2) a remark that Socrates would enjoy questioning people in the hereafter, both men and women (41c), although everyone he actually names is male. Socrates does not mention questioning women in his investigations. Nor do women occur either as spectators to his questions or in rela tion to all his talk about educating the youth. The youth are obviously all young men. And again, Socrates mentions his family and his sons without mentioning his wife. Plato relates some relationships Socrates had with women (especially with Diotima in the Symposium), but those may be fictional. The only episode of Socrates questioning a woman that is clearly historical is related by Xenophon in his Recollections of Socrates: Socrates questions the courtesan Theodote, who is famous for her beauty and poses for artists. Socrates lives in a world where the spheres of life of men and women were radically separate. In Platos Symposium, which is a drinking party, both men and women are drinking and partying, but they do so in separate parts of the house. The musicans and dancers go back and forth between the mens party and the womens party. Political life was regarded by the Greeks as part of the male sphere of things, and so there were certainly no women in Socratess jury; but it is ha rd to know whether there were any in the audience. There has been some dispute about whether women attended Greek plays, the comedies and tragedies, when they were staged though there are references by Plato to women in theater audiences. We have this difficulty in part because it was not considered proper for strangers to address respectable women in public. The device of addressing a group of strangers as though there were only men present is also conspicious in the New Testament. Note Matthew 5:27, where there were certainly women present in the crowd that Jesus spoke to, here in the Sermon on the Mount, but he merely says everyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. There is nothing about what happens if a woman looks at a man lustfully. We are left to assume that this must be equally as bad for women, but Jesus doesnt actually say so. There certainly were no women actors in Greek plays, which would have been unacceptably scandal ous the same situation as in Shakespearian Britain and in the Kabuki plays of Tokugawa Japan. By Roman times there were some female actors, but when the future Roman Emperor Justinian married the former actress Theodora, they were afflicted with vicious rumors from then on that she had been a prostitute. Unmarried Greek women attended events like the Olympic games where the athletes went naked but married women did not. Respectable women did not even go shopping in the marketplace. The only women who freely moved in public life were courtesans (like Theodote). Although Plato will later question separate spheres and roles for the sexes (at least among his Guardians) and admitted women to the Academy (Axiothea of Phlius and Lasthenia of Mantinea as Pythagoras is supposed to have admitted at least one woman, Theano, to his order), Socrates does not. Indeed, the spheres of life of men and women remained radically different in every culture and civilization until this century, and th at situation was not seriously questioned in political discourse until within the last .u26b61a4663163fc60f2cd3ec78552aed , .u26b61a4663163fc60f2cd3ec78552aed .postImageUrl , .u26b61a4663163fc60f2cd3ec78552aed .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u26b61a4663163fc60f2cd3ec78552aed , .u26b61a4663163fc60f2cd3ec78552aed:hover , .u26b61a4663163fc60f2cd3ec78552aed:visited , .u26b61a4663163fc60f2cd3ec78552aed:active { border:0!important; } .u26b61a4663163fc60f2cd3ec78552aed .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u26b61a4663163fc60f2cd3ec78552aed { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u26b61a4663163fc60f2cd3ec78552aed:active , .u26b61a4663163fc60f2cd3ec78552aed:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u26b61a4663163fc60f2cd3ec78552aed .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u26b61a4663163fc60f2cd3ec78552aed .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u26b61a4663163fc60f2cd3ec78552aed .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u26b61a4663163fc60f2cd3ec78552aed .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u26b61a4663163fc60f2cd3ec78552aed:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u26b61a4663163fc60f2cd3ec78552aed .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u26b61a4663163fc60f2cd3ec78552aed .u26b61a4663163fc60f2cd3ec78552aed-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u26b61a4663163fc60f2cd3ec78552aed:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: I Do or Please Don't: Hawaii's Same Sex Marria Essay
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Analysis and Resource Based View free essay sample
Apple Inc. is one of the worldââ¬â¢s largest technology companies dealing in computers and consumer electronic products. Founded in 1976 by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniack Apple is now a multinational corporate empire who recently boasted a $15.7 billion in revenue in the third quarter of 2010. This studyââ¬â¢s objective is to carry out a strategic analysis of Apple Company using different analysis tools. The study aims to cover factors that exist in its internal and external environment and also evaluate how the company utilizes its resources to maintain competitive advantage in the market. Three different descriptive strategic tools will be used in this study includes SWOT Analysis, PESTLE Analysis and Resource Based View (RBV). The findings from these analyses are used in making conclusions on the study question. From this study itââ¬â¢s clear that Apples extensive brand equity, strong leadership of CEO Steve Jobs, Innovative research development, fashionable trendy image of its products and the strong branding customer loyalty forms a great part of its strengths. We will write a custom essay sample on Analysis and Resource Based View or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page However this study highlights the rushing of products into the market followed by quick product recalls and the many legal cases the company has been involved in as the major threats. Appleââ¬â¢s ââ¬Ëiphoneââ¬â¢ is the companyââ¬â¢s attempt to utilize the available opportunity resulting from the increasing demand for ââ¬Ësmart phonesââ¬â¢. Apple Inc is threatened by poor quality output from its suppliers and the tight market for personal computers. The study recommends product testing be speeded up and the company to find alternatives ways to settle these legal cases to ensure Apple Inc maintains its competitive advantage in the technology market. Analysis and Resource Based View free essay sample Apple Inc. is one of the worldââ¬â¢s largest technology companies dealing in computers and consumer electronic products. Founded in 1976 by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniack Apple is now a multinational corporate empire who recently boasted a $15.7 billion in revenue in the third quarter of 2010. This studyââ¬â¢s objective is to carry out a strategic analysis of Apple Company using different analysis tools. The study aims to cover factors that exist in its internal and external environment and also evaluate how the company utilizes its resources to maintain competitive advantage in the market. Three different descriptive strategic tools will be used in this study includes SWOT Analysis, PESTLE Analysis and Resource Based View (RBV). The findings from these analyses are used in making conclusions on the study question. From this study itââ¬â¢s clear that Apples extensive brand equity, strong leadership of CEO Steve Jobs, Innovative research development, fashionable trendy image of its products and the strong branding customer loyalty forms a great part of its strengths. We will write a custom essay sample on Analysis and Resource Based View or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page However this study highlights the rushing of products into the market followed by quick product recalls and the many legal cases the company has been involved in as the major threats. Appleââ¬â¢s ââ¬Ëiphoneââ¬â¢ is the companyââ¬â¢s attempt to utilize the available opportunity resulting from the increasing demand for ââ¬Ësmart phonesââ¬â¢. Apple Inc is threatened by poor quality output from its suppliers and the tight market for personal computers. The study recommends product testing be speeded up and the company to find alternatives ways to settle these legal cases to ensure Apple Inc maintains its competitive advantage in the technology market.
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Thursday, March 5, 2020
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Marrying Young Essays
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Marrying Young Essays The Advantages and Disadvantages of Marrying Young Paper The Advantages and Disadvantages of Marrying Young Paper Advantages and disadvantages of marrying young Marriage is believed to be one of the most important commitments made in life. It leads to serious changes in social roles and responsibilities, so marrying someone should be a mature and thought-out decision. There are many factors which affect the stability of the union and one of them is considered to be the age of the pair. For instance, young people seem to take marriage too lightly nowadays. Many teenagers get married because they are pregnant or they are eager to start independent life as soon as possible, and that cannot be called a responsible decision. However, early marriages have both advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, marrying young has some positive sides. Firstly, those who marry young are expected to deal with the problem of generation gap better. The gap will be less significant, making it possible for parents to be on the same wavelength with their children, to share same views and ideals. Secondly, young people have to divide duties, make compromises and settle problems together, therefore it teaches them responsibility and enriches their life experience. Consequently, if a coupleââ¬â¢s marriage fails, this experience undoubtedly helps ex-spouses to avoid mistakes of the past and build new, more successful families. Thirdly, a lot of universities offer special grants and scholarships available specifically for students who are married. Many students who are married while attending university qualify as non-traditional students, which opens up opportunities for unique scholarships. On the other hand, marrying young is supposed to have negative effect on the coupleââ¬â¢s life. First of all, it prevents young people from completing higher education as they have to take on the responsibilities of family budget. Then, work and career opportunities are limited for the youngsters since their education level is low, so they cannot advance in professional development. Hence young couple is in many cases dependent on spousesââ¬â¢ parents, and often becomes a financial burden they are not supposed to carry. Finally, adolescents are often incapable of running a household because of their limited experience, thus they could be at risk of having everyday quarrels due to their inability to accurately divide chores. All in all, early marriage might prove to be successful as long as it helps people to mature, become contributing members of society and even overcome the problem of generation gap. Nevertheless, rushing into a marriage, which may not last long does not appear the right thing to do, as the lack of education and poor social skills becomes an obstacle for their career and makes the parents of the couple responsible for their well-being. Taking all the positive and the negative sides of marrying young into account, adolescents should think twice about their future before taking such crucial step as legalizing their relations.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Ethics within the clothing retail sector 02225 Essay
Ethics within the clothing retail sector 02225 - Essay Example In addition, competition is increasing in the high street clothing retail chains. Therefore, they are using the CSR strategies to increase sustainability and growth. During the years 2011 to 2012, they promoted more green production. Alhaddi (2014) stated that retailers are promoting highly recycling products, eco friendly products, and fair trading policies. Clothing retailers are using most emerging technologies for reducing waste in operations. They are adopting socially responsible strategies to maintain the welfare of external stakeholders. Alternate energy resources are being used by the organisations to conserve the conventional resources (Azmat and Zutshi, 2012). In the current study, corporate social responsibility and ethical issues are discussed in depth with the help of different real life ethical firms. The researcher will be using the examples of Next, Arcadia Group, Primark Stores, TK Maxx, Matalan, and New Look Group. Clothing retail firms are facing huge competition in the UK base fashion retail market. Organisations are maintaining ethical strategies in order to achieve sustainability. Corporate social responsibility is one of the major used strategies for increasing sustainability in the international clothing retail market. Organisations are looking for obtaining growth and sustainability. Corporate social responsibilities of the major retail firms are concentrated on the segments like social, ethical and environment. The firms are planning to provide proper value to the external stakeholders. In addition, BubnaLitic (2009) stated that CSR strategies are orienting the equity shareholders in the global financial market. On the contrary, if the investors are not oriented they will not interest or motivated to make the further investment in fashion retailers. Business operations will be controlled efficiently, productively and sensibly by the use of efficient strategies and CSR polices also
Monday, February 3, 2020
Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Industry - Essay Example The industry can be further divided into the types of automobiles/vehicles that are manufactured by the various companies that are presently dealing in this commodity. Vehicles can be categorized differently depending on their purpose and design from heavy duty to transportation purposes to leisure brands. The cars vary in size, cost and luxury, and there are cars available for every type of individual in the market from trucks to saloon cars. The automobile manufacturers supply a number of markets from private owners to companies who may require specific types of vehicles, for example, a construction company will require a number of heavy duty trucks to transport their material from one place to the other while a taxi service will require a large number of saloon cars to transport their clientele (J.D. Power). It is for this reason that the market structure of this industry can be referred to as an oligopolistic market despite the fact that they deal in basically what can be describ ed as the same product (that is, vehicles). The automobile industry is made up of 15 major companies which supply vehicles to the wide consumer base in need of cars (Schmitt). The market structure has allowed for the firms present in this industry to have a chance at fair competition as a manufacturer can determine to target either one segment of the market or decide to dabble in all the different types of vehicles. The fact that there are so many vehicles to choose from means that the competition for the market in this industry is not as harsh as others and organizations involved have enough wiggle room to operate without exactly worrying about being bullied out of their share of the market unless faced with extraordinary circumstances. Some firms choose to focus on one particular category of vehicles so as to set up a stronghold in that area which makes it easier for them to handle any competition that they may face (J.D. Power). For example, CAT mainly focuses on heavy duty machi nery that is used in industries like construction such as cranes and tractors and this has enabled it to establish a foothold in heavy duty machinery vehicles. The profit margin on the other hand is not as evenly shared out as the more popular car brands hold a majority of the market when it comes to private vehicles thus some companies can be said to hold a lionââ¬â¢s share of the profit when it comes to car sales. At the current moment, there are more firms exiting than entering the market due to the economic crisis that has hit various parts of the globe such as Europe leading to the reduction in car sales for a while which has meant that the less popular brands have been able to sell even fewer cars than usual (Eisenstein). The manufacturing of cars is not a business venture to be entered to light heartedly, and it costs a considerable amount of money to set up. Thus, if a company is not able to sell most of the cars that it produces they stand a chance of incurring losses at an alarmingly speedy pace that may through the company into an irrecoverable debt if the situation is not handled soon. A good example of this is the Chrysler Company that had to stop operations after failing to be able to move the required quota of cars that would have kept it afloat. The market for the product (that is, vehicles) can definitely said to be an international one as automobiles of all shapes and sizes can be found globally. Cars have
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Somaliland: A Successful State
Somaliland: A Successful State Somalia is considered to be one of the largest ethnic groups in Africa, yet are plagued with conflict. All Somalis share a common language, a pastoral economy, a religious faith which is Sunni Islam. In addition to this Somalia is a clan-based society which has a deep root in the countrys politics. Before colonialism, Somalias political system was clan-based were tribal sheikdoms was considered to be the form of rulership. Furthermore, power was scattered, meaning tribal leaders had a very difficult time control large regions. Thus, centralization or perhaps a unification under one leader was difficult if not unlikely(Kibble, 2001)[1]. Somalia was colonized by the British and Italians who used a combination of direct rule with a laissez faire approach further out in the periphery (Kibble, 2001)[2]. There are six major clans in Somalia; which are patrilineal; Issaq, Dir, Darood, Hawiye, Rahanweyne. These tribes are interlinked in all social political and financial domains (Kibble 2001 )[3]. Thus,Kinship-based social structure determine entitlement to resources, divisions of labour and authority, but also contracts (xeer) between and among clans. (Kibble 2001)[4]. Furthermore, decision making is conducted by male clan leaders based on consensus. Now, colonialism created boundaries in Somalia and has effected delicate clan relations and power distribution. In terms of Somaliland, the British ultimate goal wasto secure a steady delivery of livestock to their much more important colony of Aden, which controlled approaches to the Suez Canal (Kibble 2001)[5]. Between the years 1969-1991 this regime was a result of a military coup which was later legitimized by their aim to end corruption strong and develop a Greater Somalia. This time a National Security Court was established to enforce Public order but later replaced the Independent judiciary. This lead to the eventual descent of the somali state towards an Authoritarian regime (Battera, 2004)[6]. Furthermore, corruption was rampant during Barre regimes around this time due to an increase of foreign aid and military assistance with Italy and other gulf countries (Battera, 2004)[7]. Thus, the balance between the center and periphery was overwhelming favoured towards center thanks to neopatrimonialism. Eventually, legitimacy was lost and that is when Barre turned towards any who could potentially rise against him. Barre prefered target were Somalis who were once apart of the British colony who at this time tried to achieve autonomy. In response Barre to this during the civil war in the lat e 1980s Siad Barre indiscriminately bombed the civilian population in Hargeisa and Burco (Pegg, Kolstà ¸, 2015)[8]. It was during this time that Somaliland decided to become independent as as result of Somalia being an authoritarian state, rather than a democracy which was originally agreed upon during unification. This paper shall attempt to answer the question as to why Somaliland although unrecognized internationally is a successful state. First I will discuss the lack of International recognition , which has increased state nationality and increased domestic legitimacy. Second, the implementation of a Hybrid political system true to pre-colonial roots has strengthened the de-facto state. Finally, Somaliland has demonstrated successful and peaceful turnovers of power. LACK OF INTERNATIONAL RECOGNITION A successful state is one where the acting government demonstrates control of the periphery, the center, financially able to provide basic institutions and strong legitimate authority. Arguably international recognition is also a factor of a successful state, yet despite this Somaliland has managed well without it. Lack of international recognition has increased state nationality in Somaliland. Somaliland as it stands is not formerly recognized as a legitimate state among the international community. However, this does not mean that Somaliland is not a state in perhaps the truest sense of the word. It appears that although Somaliland lacks international recognition it has an abundance of internal recognition. Internal recognition in Somaliland has translated to legitimacy, thus in the eyes of the Somaliland people the de-facto state is legitimate. Ironically a failed state such as Somalia has the international recognition as well as international representation, such as a seat in the UN. However, despite international approval, among Somalis the state does not have legitimacy. Insofar, the governments power simply extends to that of Mogadishu, yet even within the capital power is relative.According to Lipset legitimacy involves the capacity of a system to maintain and engender existing political institutions most efficient to ones society (Lipset, 1960)[9]. In the Failed state Index which measures; corruption, government effectiveness, political participation, level of democracy, illicit economy and protest. Somalia is considered to be the worlds most failed state with a 9.5 out of 10 score (Pegg, Kolstà ¸, 2015)[10].Furthermore, based on the Freedom House world index that ranks countries based on liberties and political rights. This scale considers 7 as the lowest and 1 the highest, here Somaliland has ranked 4.5 , while Somalia is a 7 (Pegg, Kolstà ¸ 2015)[11]. Thus, it can be observed that in terms of political rights and perhaps even liberties Somalilan d has proven to be more successful.Nonetheless, it should be noted that data conducted in Somalia is relatively difficult and may not necessarily be all inclusive. Thus, legitimacy and state success is not solely based upon international recognition. According to Holsti, vertical and horizontal legitimacy are the defining characteristic that determine a states ability to be recognized domestically and internationally. Vertical legitimacy is based on performance, The state has to earn and maintain its right to rule through the provision of services, including security, law and order (Holsti, 1996)[12]. While Horizontal legitimacy defines the limits and criteria for membership in the political community. Thus, if different subgroups within a community accept and tolerate each other then there is high Horizontal legitimacy. In addition the lack of international financing forces the state to abide by vertical legitimacy. Therefore, internal legitimacy is the notion where members within a polity are confident in their government and institution to provide basic needs. In the case of Somaliland formally considered a de-facto state is legitimate in all ways but internationally. Through the creation of its own military, navy, provision o f basic health care and representation of clans. Traditional Ghuurti are used in Somaliland to settle disputes among clans and/or subclans as well as to achieve cohesion. However, this does not imply that disputes were all non violent there have been instances where conflict ensued due to resources (harbors, airports). The lack of international recognition in Somaliland has proven to build the state at a bottom up level. By comparing Somaliland to Somalia we are able to identify that no international intervention has proven to be pivotal to Somalilands success. There were two large foreign troop interventions in Somalia, in addition to regional and international conferences. Yet none of these conference has lead to stability or at the very least control of more than a small fraction of Somalia (Pegg, Kolstà ¸,2015)[13]. According to Pegg and Kolsà ¸ the responsibility of Somalia was taken from the Somali people, which resulted in failed interventions (2015)[14]. Furthermore, overall intervention of the international community to the Somali people has done more harm than good. According to Hammond(2013)[15], Trust between Somalis and international actors has never been particularly strong, but in recent years has weakened to the point where international political engagement has come to be seen b y many Somalis as a liability. In addition, Menkhaus (2012)[16] states Somalis want an end to warlordism and jihadism, but they also want an end to foreign domination.. Yet peacebuilding in Somaliland is for the most part been in the hands of the people because they do not have the ability to request international aid. Thus, If the Somalilanders did not achieve peace among themselves, nobody would do it for them (Pegg, Kolstà ¸, 2015)[17].This notion of self-reliance has fueled nationality within the de-facto state ultimately solidifying internal legitimacy. Somaliland has been forced to rely upon themselves and this has only strengthened there persistence of independence and stability. In Somaliland, the lack of external intervention is often seen as a strength. Former foreign minister Abdillahi Duale (personal interview) believes that any major international engagement would have undermined self-reliance and the slow growth of local institutions for maintaining peace (Pegg, Kol stà ¸,2015)[18]. Similarly, former minister of finance Muhamad Hashi Elmi We had no five-star hotels, but had our meeting in the shade of a tree. The lack of attention from the international community has been a blessing. We did not realize that at the time, but now we realize it. (Pegg, Kolstà ¸, 2015)[19]. At this point in time Somaliland has two strong arguments for independence the first being its substantial support and legitimacy within the state. Secondly, its previous status of once being a former British colony prior to the unification of Somalia. According to the notion of utis possidetis former territorial lines are keep with its possessor. HYBRID POLITICS: A COMBINATION OF COLONIAL AND PRECOLONIAL POLITICS A unique aspect of Somaliland is its Hybrid political system, a joining of pre-colonial and postcolonial politics. The addition of pre-colonial politics has made Somaliland an interesting case in East Africa. The implementation of a pastoral democracy relies upon the use of traditional clan elders to mediate and negotiate politics. Fused with modern democracy where power is divide by different branches of government. For example a permanent Guurti was made for the upper house of the parliament where clans would appoint elders to represent each clan (Pegg, Kolstà ¸, 2015)[20]. In the beginning the lower house of parliament and the government were clan based, to change this a quota of clan representative was made to determine the MPS and ministers. Yet, it was understood that this system made smaller clans overrepresented. This overrepresentation was enacted so that smaller clans did not fear the dominance of the Issaq clan in government. Nonetheless, a restraint was enacted by a nat ional referendum in 2001 where a competitive party system was chosen for the lower house rather than clan-based (Pegg, Kolstà ¸, 2015)[21]. In essence Somaliland fell back on the time-honored consensus-based reconciliation mechanisms of the beele, in which the clan elders deliberate extensively among themselves until mutually acceptable solutions are found ( Pegg, Kolstà ¸.2015)[22].According to Pegg and Kolstà ¸ The party system in Somaliland is somewhat idiosyncratic, as only three parties which demonstrate support in each of Somalilands six regions are allowed to register for national elections in accordance with Article 9 of Somalilands Constitution (2015)[23]. The limitation was enacted to prevent fragmentation among clans (Pegg, Kolstà ¸.2015)[24]. Rather than to dissuade clan and kinship practices which will fuel animosity among the polis. This new approach to accommodate political and social norms pre-existing in that region has proven to further legitimize the Somal iland de-facto state. Democracy is often championed, hailed as a solution to social and political issues because it removes clanism and other antiquated political institutions. Although, clannism did not function as an effective political institution in pre-colonial times it can succeed with the inclusion of democracy. Societies such as Somaliland and Somalia clans of kinship are a pivotal aspect of social life, and will not be changed any time in the near future.Thus, rather than attempt to abolish it or degrade it ( such as the case of the Barre regime) accommodating it will prove to be much more effective. These relations of kinship are closely tied to ones identity and self perception, the removal of it will be seen as an attack on ones persons. However, that being said it is also important to take into consideration of the opposite spectrum. According to Hoehne many members of the House have become urbanized and somewhat disconnected from their largely rural constituencies, eroding the traditional pr inciple of collective and consultative decision making. In addition Hoehne states (2013)[25]The outcome of these developments is a crippled hybrid in which neither state nor traditional institutions function really well. and , their claim to legitimate traditional authority became hollow(2013)[26]. Although theoretically, choosing a representative will inevitably result in the distancing of said leader from those of which he represent.This does not take away the merit of recognizing clannism in Somaliland that to individuals is important both socially and politically. Furthermore, The clan element in the hybrid system of government has secured strong support for the regime, particularly in rural, conservative areas, but from the perspective of liberal democracy it is defective. Not only is the principle of one person-one vote violated, but under this system women and minorities from outside the traditional clans have no political influence whatsoever (Renders, 2012)[27] Nonetheless, despite this it was the implementation of clanism that brought Somaliland together. Thus without the state accommodating clans the de-facto state would prove to be useless and would not have lasted as long as it has. Although, international assistance was limited it was the very lack of intervention that allowed the Hybrid system in Somaliland to exist. It is doubtful a western international organizations would approve such antiquated politics, and would have pressured them to change. SUCCESSFUL TURNOVERS OF POWER Somaliland has demonstrate the ability to have successful and peaceful turnovers of power a number of times. The newly reformed de-facto state had the tasks of building a tax base as a result of no international support. Conflict management was paramount during this time of the states delicate position. Initially, the de-facto state was not as representative as it had led others to believes. It lacked the financial ability to maintain authority. However, despite this Somaliland made attempts to secure the the Berbera port. Although the port was under the control of a unrepresented clan within the government which expressed displeasure with the de-facto state. Yet, Edbank notes, In part due to internal divisions, and in part due to a lack of resources, the SNM was never able to project authority beyond the territories of the Isaaq clans that made up its core membership. It quickly became apparent that the SNM had only been held together by a common distaste for the military regime in Mogadishu. With the war over, financing from the diaspora which had helped support the SNM during the civil war dried up, and the group succumbed to internal divisions (Eubank, 2011)[28]. At this time many within government and the polis in general were of the belief that the Presidents clan Habar Yonis were manipulating power in their favor. This challenge towards the de-facto state was similar to the issue that ultimately lead to the collapse of Somalia. Favoritism due to clan ties was predominate at this time and often used as a way to consolidate power (Eubank, 2011[29]). The SNM was an established group created after the Somali civil war in hopes of solidity stability in Somaliland. The clan then ended its relations with the SNM administration in favour of opposing the governments manipulation of power. This was the case of the Berbera port controlled by the Isaaq clan known as the Habar Jelo, considered to be a rival of the presidents clan. In 1992 the government killed over 300 people in the town of Burco due to attempts to control weapons in the town(Eubank, 2011).[30] Consequently an armed conflict erupted between the two groups. Eubank emphasis this point Th e port of Berbera was at that time controlled by an Isaaq clan which was not well represented within SNM government, the Ilse Muse ( Eubank, 2011)[31]. After numerous national peace conferences the government was able to collect taxes from the port and managed to receive direct financing from the private sector to create a new currency(Eubank, 2011)[32]. Yet, the government had to ensure a set of national institutions that included a larger support, internal checks, balances, and a bicameral legislative branch. Thus, the new government was able to gain the support of both the private sector as well as the local clans (Eubank, 2011)[33].The conferences resulted in a more inclusive representation in government along with a reestablished National Charter. The Parliament now included 150 clan elder, as well as a new vice president and president(Eubank, 2011)[34]. Furthermore, the new president whose paternal lineage came from the Ilse Muse clan which had controlled the port of Berbera and whose maternal lineage came from the Habar Yonis clan which had previously been represented by the presidency. This encouraged public optimism that [the new president] could unite the Isaaq (Eubank, 2011)[35]. Furthermore, the private sector strongly supported a violent-free Berbera airport. The Berbera port provided the government with a source of income which by September 1995 was estimated to be between US$10-15 million per year (Bradbury, 2008)[36]. The second test Somaliland faced was the newly established National charter that was not embraced by the former presidents clan Habar Yonis. This disagreement was a result of the clan disatifaction regarding the new central authority and representation ratios (Eubank, 2011)[37]. Yet compromises were made due to pressure from the civil society and financial strain (Eubank, 2011)[38]. Furthermore, In 1995, a group of Somalilanders living abroad organised the Peace Committee for Somaliland and began pushing for a peaceful resolut ion (Eubank, 2011)[39]. This resulted in a new constitution being enacted for a more inclusive allocation of seats by increasing the seats for Habr Yonis ending the conflict (Eubank, 2011)[40]. At a national level, much of this revenue comes from customs collected at major trading centres like the Berbera port and Hargeysa airport. But local governments also depend upon local financing throughout the country. Under Somalilands system of decentralisation another measure established at the Boorame Conference in 1993 to ensure local governments were accountability to local populations, and not financially accountable to a potentially predatory national government Somalilands district councils continue to raise their own revenues to supplement disbursements from the central government by taxing local resources, with land, animal slaughter and business tax providing the main revenue streams'(Bradbury, 2008)[41]. The Boorame Conference ensured that government accountability at the national and local level be meet to satisfy civil society. Based on these two cases in the history of Somaliland there is evidence of its ability to relatively sustains its political stability. In order to secure power it comes as little to no surprise that the de-facto state was forced to use violent means. However, the during and after of the violence proved to be detrimental to the state itself. The loss of resources and finances due to these conflicts ultimately hastened the de facto-state to compromise. It could be said that perhaps if Somaliland did receive Foreign aid it would be much less inclined to listen to grievances or compromise its position. Thus, the disregard from the international community in Somaliland has in this instance been beneficial. Somaliland is unable to receive aid or any financial backing from other states of organizations. In addition the de facto state must rely upon tax revenue as a source of income. Forcing it to rely upon its own people and bureaucracy for financial and political stability. Evidently, prolonged conflict will only serve to impedide the states ability to secure power and the displeasure from civil society. Ultimately, this forces Somaliland to not be a predatory state and turn upon the very people they rule, because they must rely upon them to consolidate power and wealth. This creates a binary relationship that are interdependent on each other to succeed. Furthermore, the Somali political culture which by nature encourages discussion and debate among leaders fuelled peaceful talk. Conferences were financed and supported by diaspora and civil society within Somaliland. This demonstrated that the decisions of state is in the hands of Somalilanders. Simultaneously strengthening public nationality as well as consolidating legitimacy. In Conclusion, Somaliland has demonstrated its ability to be a successful state. Not only does its civil society believe it to be legitimate it also represents previously ignored clans. Somaliland claim to be a recognized as a state drives from the notion of utis possidetis. Ultimately, the lack of international recognition increased internal legitimacy and power. This allowed a bottom up approach towards the rebuilding of the former British protectorate. Furthermore, this increased the notion of horizontal and vertical legitimacy within Somaliland. Since the responsibility of the polis rest solely upon the state resulting in a binary relationship of interdependence. Thus making the possibility of a predatory state unlikely. In addition, the Hybrid pastoral democracy system that Somaliland has chosen to use to accommodate clanism has demonstrated a new form of democracy. This archiac notion of democracy would not have been accepted if international organizations were involved. Rather , the acknowledgment of Somalilands clan based society perpetuated stability. Unlike the Somalia Barre regime who claimed to rebuke clanism, yet maintained ties of kinship to consolidate power. Ignoring the very a nature of the society will prove to only hinder stability. Finally, Somaliland has been able to overcome issues of representation such as the case of IIse Muse representation and the Berbera port conflict. The de-facto state faced claims where the president was believed to favor his own clan Habar Yonis by consolidating power and parliamentary seats to them. However, they overcame this issue due to pressure of civil society and financial losses. Forcing the two groups to concede, thereby allowing a new parliamentary system to be enacted to ensure fair representation. Making the next president have clan ties to both groups from their paternal and maternal line. Then the second conflict was due to Habar Yonis displeasure with the new National Charter. This issues was resolve d by allocating more seats to this clan thus ending the conflict. Somaliland is where the colonial and postcolonial history has lead to their strong patriotism and drive to succeed as a state regardless of international acceptance. This paper only analyzes the theoretical notion of success and legitimate sentiments across Somaliland.However, it does not discuss the economic stability within Somaliland in depth due to a lack of research conducted in this area. Further studies could include if Somaliland has the economic ability to compete in a global market sustainably as a sovereign state. Works cited Battera, F. (2004). State- democracy-building in sub-Saharan Africa: The case of Somaliland A comparative perspective. Global Jurist Frontiers, 4(1), 1-23. Eubank, N. (2012). Taxation, Political Accountability and Foreign Aid: Lessons from Somaliland. Journal of Development Studies,48(4), 465-480 Hammond, L., 2013. Somalia rising: things are starting to change for the worlds longest failed state. J. Eastern Afr. Stud. 7 (1), 183-193. Hoehne, M.V., 2013. Limits of hybrid political order: the case of Somaliland. J. Eastern Afr. Stud. 7 (2), 199-217 Holsti, K.J., 1996. The State, War, and the State of War. 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